

Safar - Travel

Safar kardam ke az eshghed jodah sham
I travelled to apart from your love

Delam mikhast dige ashegh nabasham
My heart wanted me to not be in love anymore

Vali eshghet too ghalbam munde ey vay
But your love is still residing in my heart

Dele divunamo soozoonde ey vay
It burned my foolish heart

Dele divunamo soozoonde ey vay
It burned my foolish heart

Hanuzam ashegham
And I am still in love

Hanuzam ashegham
And I am still in love

Donya ye dardam
I am in the world of pain

Messe parvaneha doret migardam
Like butterflies I circle around you

Messe parvaneha doret migardam
Like butterflies I circle around you

Safar kardam ke az yadam beri didam nemishe
I travelled so that you leave my memory I realized it´s not working

Akhe eshghe ye ashegh ba nadidan kam nemishe
Because the love of a lover doesn´t get less by not seeing each other

Ghame dur az to mundan ye bi bal o param kard
Grief from being far away from you made me without wings and feathers

Naraft az yade man eshgh safar ashegtaram kard
Love didn´t leave my memory Travel made me more in love

Hannooz pishmargetam man bemiram ta namiri
I am still dying before you I shall die so that you don´t

Khosham ba khateratam ino az man nagiri
I am blissful with my memories Don´t take them away from me

Delam az abr o barun bejoz esme to nashnid
My heart , from clouds and rain , beside your name didn´t hear a thing

Too mahtabe shabuneh faghat tsheshmam to ra did
In the moonlight of the night my eyes only saw you

Nasho ba man gharibe messe namehrabunha
Don´t become a stranger with me like the unkind

Bala gardune tshashmat zamin o asemuna
Above heaven your eyes the earth and the skies

Mikham bargardam amma mitarsam
I want to come back but I am afraid

Mitarsam begi harfi nadari
I am afraid that you will say you have no words for me

Begi eshghi namunde
You will say there is no love left

Mitarsam beri tanham bezari
I am afraid that you might go and leave me alone

Hannooz pishmargetam man bemiram ta namiri
I am still dying before you I shall die so that you don´t

Khosham ba khateratam ino az man nagiri
I am blissful with my memories Don´t take them away from me

To ra didam tu barun dele darya to budi
I saw you in the rain You were the heart of the sea

To moje sabze sabzeh tane sahrah to budi
You were the dark green wave You were the body of the desert

Mage mishe nadidet too mahtabe shabuneh?
Is it possible he didn´t see you in the moonlight of the night?

Mage mishe nakhundet too shehre asheghune?
Is it possible he didn´t sing you the song of the lovers?

Mikham bargardam amma mitarsam
I want to come back but I am afraid

Mitarsam begi harfi nadari
I am afraid that you will say you have no words for me

Begi eshghi namunde
You will say there is no love left

Mitarsam beri tanham bezari
I am afraid you might go and leave me alone

Hannooz pishmargetam man bemiram ta namiri
I am still dying before you I shall die so that you don´t

Khosham ba khateratam ino az man nagiri
I am blissful with my memories Don´t take them away from me

Hannooz pishmargetam man bemiram ta namiri
I am still dying before you I shall die so that you don´t

Khosham ba khateratam ino az man nagiri
I am blissful with my memories Don´t take them away from me

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