
100 Years

Thanks to numerous, never ending, obsessive fanatic "Stay healthy and live longer" campaigns, smokers are witch hunted, not being active in sports is considered as self destructive, sugar is the new cocaine, organic food the key to a happier life, fat the devil himself and death seems far away...at least this is what we would like to think and manifest in our little minds.

Many people are trying very hard to fight time - congratulations! The overall age expectancy of a New Yorker born in 2000 is 77,6 years compared to 1990 where people reached the age of 72,4 years. But tell me, what do we do with 5,2 years more?

Heart diseases are number 1 cause of death, followed by cancer. But the WHO report of 2001 shows that in the future, in 2020 to be exact, depression will be number 1 killer after heart disease and not cancer. And suddenly 5,2 years more are not a blessing anymore. 5,2 years more seem more like an extended torture. As suddenly we have an increase of quantity in time but very poor life quality, if one can call this quality at all: the longer we live, the more we get depressed.

Did we forget what it means to live? If we cannot figure out what makes us happy in our lifes, if we cannot admit what it is that we need - even a hundred years of lifetime are not going to be enough. As a hundred years won´t make a blind man see and a hundred years won´t make us brighter. The moment we open our eyes, we will see that what we need is life and not a hundred years.


New York

Because even in the coldest winter, I feel warm.
Because even in the darkest night, there is light.

Because even when I feel lonely, I am not alone.
Because even when I have no chair, a stoop is my throne.

Because even when it´s noisy, I find some peace.
Because even when I feel suffocated, I still can breathe.

Because even on my lowest days, there is a smile.
Because even on a one way road, there is an aisle.

Because even when I hear nothing, I hear sound.
Because even when I fall, there is a ground.

Because even when I cannot stand, I lean against a wall.
Because even when I have nothing, I still have it all.


Flower Man

Walking down the road of life respecting everyone is sometimes appreciated but most of the time makes people comfortable enough not only to open up and let you into their world, but also to spill out more than one would wish for. One of the reasons can be that their world usually interests no one else but themselves.
Human beings are not half as well developed as their inventions. Maybe we should start spending more time on us before focussing on anything else. As a simple light bulb will never have the ability to annoy one as much as another personality could. On / Off doesn´t work for us.
Flower Man, a man I chose to respect, started the usual chatting and trying desperately to store his story in another humans closet. In mine. But then, very quickly, he tried to store most of his life which had the color of frustration. And this is a color I do not wear.
Therefore, dear Flower Man, this one is for you. So that you know that your story is stored, here on my blog. And everyone will know that you call yourself smart out loud and think that people who eat junk food are stupid. And I myself have no space for your frustration and will let you know again that the one who is smart, keeps it to himself and that organic food doesn´t grow at Wholefoods.


Dance Me

We might not speak the same language, we might not understand each other even if we do.
And when we try to speak, some might not listen.
But when we dance, we make some space for ourselves and share a monologue.
Join me or watch me - or leave.