
Flower Man

Walking down the road of life respecting everyone is sometimes appreciated but most of the time makes people comfortable enough not only to open up and let you into their world, but also to spill out more than one would wish for. One of the reasons can be that their world usually interests no one else but themselves.
Human beings are not half as well developed as their inventions. Maybe we should start spending more time on us before focussing on anything else. As a simple light bulb will never have the ability to annoy one as much as another personality could. On / Off doesn´t work for us.
Flower Man, a man I chose to respect, started the usual chatting and trying desperately to store his story in another humans closet. In mine. But then, very quickly, he tried to store most of his life which had the color of frustration. And this is a color I do not wear.
Therefore, dear Flower Man, this one is for you. So that you know that your story is stored, here on my blog. And everyone will know that you call yourself smart out loud and think that people who eat junk food are stupid. And I myself have no space for your frustration and will let you know again that the one who is smart, keeps it to himself and that organic food doesn´t grow at Wholefoods.

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