

Who would have thought that a man who was known as the Father of Comedy was one of seven people who came to word in Platos Symposium to talk about the importance and power of Love...

...In the beginning the world was populated by humans with doubled bodies. They were completed, fulfilled - a happy whole. Some were all male- they were the children of the Sun. Some were all women - the children of the Earth and some were half man and half woman, called the androgynous and children of the Moon.

One day, for a mysterious reason, they decided to scale heaven and to overturn the Gods of the Olympus. The Gods were in rage and Zeus even wanted to bereave them of life with thunderbolts. Which he, after careful consideration, omit to do as by killing a complete soul he would also kill his very own worshipers. Instead, he chose to torture them, cripple them by ripping their bodies in half and seperate them. Apollo was chosen to heal their wounds, to stitch them and to shape their new bodies.

Ever since this moment each half was longing for his other half, each one looking for the fulfillment they used to know. It was the beginning of a quest for Love, Friendship and Erotic - the greatest possible happiness a human being could acquire.

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