
Present Moment

30 600 000 results on google about the present moment - most of them preaching the same: its importance. Mine not included.

One should not give answers upfront, as they are not anwers. Each answer is being born by a specific, unique question asked by a single human being. Within the process that one mind undergoes in order to get his answer lies already his answer. At the end the word might be the same - but the road that leads to it is a different one.

To enjoy the present moment means to accept that the present will be past. It means that we have to accept that every moment is, just like us, alive and therefore subject to one of the certain rules of nature: Birth and Death.

Only by one present moment passing away, we make space for a new one.

Being in the present moment is choosing to sit in the most beautiful room of an apartment. The one room that has it all. Large windows, the best light and the perfect temperature...It is the one room that doesn´t have one great corner, but 4 great corners. It is the room where everything I love has space. The fireplace next to the bathtub , surrounded by books, the smell of flowers, the warmth of the sunlight.....

It is a choice we make. It is the choice of entering this room and knowing that you will have to leave, move into another room that is going to be totally different and unknown...
It is the choice of grabbing the hand of another, knowing that we can´t hold it forever, and letting it go...

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